A ROH transmite esta quinta-feira mais uma edição do seu show semanal no Honor Club, a partir da Mohegan Sun Arena em Uncasville, Connecticut, rumo ao Final Battle de 15 de Dezembro.
A ROH é transmitida às 23h em Portugal ou 20h no Brasil no Honor Club.
Estes são os principais combates anunciados para o show:
– ROH Women’s World Champion Athena vs Mercedes Martinez – Mercedes Martinez atacou Athena durante algumas semanas, e no show da semana passada venceu-a num Tornado Tag Team Match. Conseguirá a veterana reconquistar o ROH Women’s World Championship, ou irá Athena continuar o seu reinado histórico?
– Josh Woods vs Ethan Page – Josh Woods e Ethan Page são dois dos principais lutadores da ROH e querem entrar na rota de um combate por um dos principais títulos da promotora. Quem irá ficar mais perto desse objetivo?
Estes são outros combates anunciados para o show:
– Robyn Renegade vs Leyla Hirsch
– Darius Martin vs Lee Moriarty
– Christopher Daniels & Matt Sydal vs The Righteous (Dutch & Vincent)
– Angelico vs Gringo Loco vs Metalik vs Slim J
– Gates Of Agony (Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) vs The Wingmen (Peter Avalon & Ryan Nemeth) (Four-Corner Survival Tag Team Match)
– Kiera Hogan vs Charlette Renegade
– Dalton Castle & Gravity vs The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs Cole Karter & Griff Garrison
– Nick Comoroto vs Action Andretti vs Lee Johnson
– Rachael Ellering vs LMK
.@AthenaPalmer_FG puts the #ROH Women's World Title on the line against the former #ROH Women's Champ @RealMMartinez TONIGHT on #ROH TV!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7pm ET/6pm CT pic.twitter.com/F2ciuHbk2r
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
The challenge was issued last week on #ROH TV as @OfficialEGO takes on 'The Technical Beast" @WoodsIsTheGoods tomorrow night on #ROH TV!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7pm ET/6pm CT pic.twitter.com/VnemNAWbJ2
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 1, 2023
It's a FOUR-CORNER SURVIVAL tag team match TONIGHT on #ROH TV!
Peter Avalon & @ryrynemnem
v@bearbronsonBC & @bear_boulder
v@ShawnDean773 & @CarlieBravo
v#ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champs @ToaLiona & @thekaunWatch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7/6c pic.twitter.com/6T1BeQL7dg
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
After being told to "Earn It" last week by @MariaLKanellis on #ROH TV, @LegitLeyla is out on the warpath once again against someone else who is looking to create her own path – @W18Robin!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7pm ET/6pm CT. pic.twitter.com/wRCF5i2Dah
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 1, 2023
The Righteous @NoNamexVincent & @DEATHxWALKS compete in tag team competition as they take on former #ROH World Tag Team Champs @facdaniels & @MattSydal tomorrow night on #ROH TV!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7pm ET/6pm CT. pic.twitter.com/82z6XScpbD
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 1, 2023
.@DariusMartin612 is out for revenge after the continued post-match attack by the hands of @theleemoriarty as they go one-on-one tomorrow on #ROH TV!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7pm ET/6pm CT. pic.twitter.com/EnBVnc5eBD
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 1, 2023
.@CharRenegade_1 is in singles action as she takes on @HoganKnowsBest3 TONIGHT on #ROH TV!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7pm ET/6pm CT. pic.twitter.com/1ct8036jgD
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
Huge 8-man tag team action is on the card TONIGHT!@realcolekarter, @griffgarrison1 & #TheWorkhorsemen @Antnyhenry & @RealJDDrake
vs.@GravityLuchador, @theDALTONcastle & The Boys @TateTwinBrandon & @TateTwinBrent!Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7/6c pic.twitter.com/nvdYXTjr9T
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
HUGE 4-way match on the card TONIGHT!@tadpoleslimj vs. @Mascaradorada24 vs. @Angelico_AEW vs. @GringoLocoOG!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7pm ET/6pm CT pic.twitter.com/zKFnb7W68e
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
A big-time 3-way match takes place TONIGHT on #ROH TV!@Mr_Freakbeast vs. @ActionAndretti vs. @BigShottyLee
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7pm ET/6pm C pic.twitter.com/MOPp3pFcmh
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
.@RachaelEllering is in singles action again TONIGHT on #ROH TV as she takes on the #ROH debuting @LILMEANKATHLEEN!
Don't miss #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7pm ET/6pm CT. pic.twitter.com/EQslxAyWzt
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) November 2, 2023
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