A ROH transmite esta quinta-feira mais uma edição do seu show semanal no Honor Club, a partir da Great Southern Bank Arena em Springfield, Missouri, rumo ao Supercard of Honor de 5 de Abril.
A ROH é transmitida às 00h em Portugal ou 21h no Brasil no Honor Club.
Estes são os principais destaques anunciados para o show:
– Jack Cartwheel & Gringo Loco vs The WorkHorsemen (Anthony Henry & JD Drake) vs The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) vs Spanish Announce Project (Angelico & Serpentico) (Four Corner Survival Match) – Estas quatro equipas irão enfrentar-se num combate que se espera caótico. Será que uma vitória poderá significar uma futura oportunidade pelos ROH World Tag Team Championships?
– Leyla Hirsch vs Red Velvet (Quartos-de-Final do ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament) – Estas duas lutadoras irão enfrentar-se no segundo combate dos quartos-de-final do ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament. Qual delas passará às semi-finais do torneio?
– Abadon vai estar em ação – Apesar de ainda estar no ROH Women’s World Television Championship Tournament, a estranha lutadora vai estar em ação num Singles Match. Quem será a sua adversária?
It's a fight for SURVIVAL!
The Workhorsemen (@Antnyhenry & @RealJDDrake)
vs#theINFANTRY (@CarlieBravo & @ShawnDean773)
vs.@Angelico_AEW & @KingSerpentico
vs.@jackcartwheel & @GringoLocoOGWatch Thursday Night #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7/6c pic.twitter.com/PEDzH4WusH
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) March 6, 2024
The #ROH Women's World TV Title Tournament continues TOMORROW NIGHT as @Thee_Red_Velvet takes on @LegitLeyla in the Quarterfinal!
Watch Thursday Night #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxr3sN 7/6c pic.twitter.com/roEC38dfr1
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) March 6, 2024
Before they continue their path in the #ROH Women's World TV Title Tournament, @abadon_AEW looks to harvest another soul and will be in action TOMORROW NIGHT!
Watch Thursday Night #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/8dcdtxqvDf 7/6c pic.twitter.com/qyZ9e14VBE
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) March 6, 2024
Quais as tuas expectativas para este ROH Honor Club?