A ROH transmite esta quinta-feira mais uma edição do seu show semanal no Honor Club, a partir do Brandt Centre em Regina, Saskatchewan, no Canadá, rumo ao Death Before Dishonor do dia 21 de Julho.
A ROH é transmitida às 00h em Portugal ou 20h no Brasil no Honor Club.
Estes são os principais combates anunciados para o show:
– ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Mogul Embassy (Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun & Toa Liona) vs Darius Martin, Matt Sydal & Christopher Daniels (Non-Title Match) – Os campeões de trios da Ring of Honor vão estar em ação contra um trio também bastante experiente. Qual deles sairá vitorioso deste Non-Title Match?
– ROH Women’s World Champion Athena vs Ava Lawless (Non-Title Match) – A campeã da Ring of Honor vai voltar a lutar no programa semanal da empresa, desta vez num Non-Title Match contra Ava Lawless. Será mais uma vitória para Athena ou teremos uma surpresa?
Estes são outros combates anunciados para o show:
– Shane Taylor vs Capt. Shawn Dean
– Leyla Hirsch vs Bambi Hall
– Big Bill vs Serpentico
– Tony Nese vs Dalton Castle
– The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs The Boys (Brandon & Brent)
– The Righteous (Vincent & Dutch) & Stu Grayson vs Evan Rivers, Levi Knight & Michael Allen Richard Clark
HUGE trios action as @DariusMartin612 teams up with former #ROH World tag team champions @MattSydal & @facdaniels to take on the #ROH World six-man tag team champions the #MogulEmbassy @briancagegmsi, @ToaLiona & @thekaun!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmE6bl pic.twitter.com/SKx192u1N2— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
Before she takes on @willowwrestles in the #OwenHartFoundation Tournament semifinals this Friday on #AEWRampage – your #ROH Women's World champion @AthenaPalmer_FG takes on #ROH debuting @lawIessava in singles action!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmDylN pic.twitter.com/LLGrkauCwJ— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
Former ROH World TV champion & former six-man tag team champion @shane216taylor takes on Captian @ShawnDean773 in singles competition!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmE6bl pic.twitter.com/Y2io8BbRgC— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
After making her in-ring return last week on #ROH TV, @LegitLeyla is in singles action as she takes on the ROH debuting @BambiHall!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmDylN pic.twitter.com/Rjfx5X1wwA— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
It's a TALL task ahead for @KingSerpentico as he takes on @TheCaZXL in singles action THIS THURSDAY!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmDylN pic.twitter.com/U9W0NalbuH— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
.@TonyNese of the #VarsityAthletes takes on former #ROH World champion @theDALTONcastle in singles action!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmE6bl pic.twitter.com/UNDDxsikYs— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
These two sides collide once again as #TheKingdom @MattTaven & @RealMikeBennett take on #TheBoys @TateTwinBrent & @TateTwinBrandon in tag team action!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmDylN pic.twitter.com/tR2h535ncj— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
.@stu_dos & #TheRighteous @NoNamexVincent & @DEATHxWALKS continue their path of misery and destruction as they are in trios action THIS THURSDAY!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at https://t.co/c45XmmDylN pic.twitter.com/EUmyleVfS2— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 11, 2023
Estes são outros pontos que a ROH poderá abordar no show:
– O que mais irá acontecer entre o ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli e Mark Briscoe?
– O que se segue para o ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe?
– O que se segue para o ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata?
– O que se segue para os ROH World Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo)?
– O que se segue para Eddie Kingston, Daniel Garcia, Kiera Hogan, Colt Cabana, Metalik, Ashley D’Amboise, Skye Blue, entre outros?
– Que desenvolvimentos teremos para o Death Before Dishonor?
Quais as tuas expectativas para este ROH Honor Club?