Depois do Death Before Dishonor da passada sexta-feira, a ROH transmite esta quinta-feira mais uma edição do seu show semanal no Honor Club, a partir do Prudential Center em Newark, New Jersey.
A ROH é transmitida às 00h em Portugal ou 20h no Brasil no Honor Club.
Estes são os principais combates anunciados para o show:
– ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions Mogul Embassy (Bishop Kaun, Brian Cage & Toa Liona) venceram Iron Savages (Boulder & Bronson) & Jacked Jameson – Os campeões de trios da Ring of Honor irão defender os títulos contra este trio, que procura surpreender. Será uma vitória fácil para os Mogul Embassy?
– ROH Women’s World Champion Athena vai estar em ação – Depois de ter defendido o ROH Women’s World Championship com sucesso contra Willow Nightingale no Death Before Dishonor, Athena voltará a estar em ação no programa semanal da ROH. Quem irá a campeã enfrentar?
Estes são outros combates anunciados para o show:
– Eli Isom vs Josh Woods (Pure Rules Match)
– The Kingdom (Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) vs Rhett Titus & Tracy Williams
– The Trustbusters (Sonny Kiss, Jeeves K & Slim J) vs Dalton Castle & The Boys (Brandon & Brent)
– Big Bill & Lee Moriarty vão estar em ação
– Leyla Hirsch vai estar em ação
– Trish Adora vai estar em ação
Challenge issued and accepted!
The #IronSavages @bearbronsonBC, @bear_boulder & Jacked Jameson will challenge the #MogulEmbassy @briancagegmsi, @thekaun & @ToaLiona for their #ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Titles!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at
— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 27, 2023
After successfully defending her #ROH Women's World Title at Death Before Dishonor, your champion @AthenaPalmer_FG will be in action on TOMORROW NIGHT!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 26, 2023
Former #ROH Pure Champion @WoodsIsTheGoods is in action against @elieyesum in a PURE RULES MATCH tomorrow night!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 26, 2023
The Kingdom @RealMikeBennett & @MattTaven will face @RhettTitusANX & @sauce_williams in tag team action TONIGHT!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 27, 2023
.@theDALTONcastle is back in trios action with #TheBoys (@TateTwinBrandon & @TateTwinBrent) as the former #ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Champions take on the Trustbusters @SonnyKissXO, @isThatVsK & @tadpoleslimj TOMORROW NIGHT!
Watch #ROH on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 26, 2023
.@TheCaZXL & @theleemoriarty are undefeated as a tag team in Ring of Honor this year, and they look to keep that streak going TONIGHT!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 27, 2023
.@LegitLeyla has been running through the #ROH Women's division since her return and looks to keep that undefeated streak alive as she's in action TONIGHT!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 27, 2023
After suffering a loss to Leyla Hirsch at Death Before Dishonor: Zero Hour, @TrishAdora202 looks to get back in the winning column as she's in action TOMORROW NIGHT!
Watch #ROH TV on #HonorClub at— ROH – Ring of Honor Wrestling (@ringofhonor) July 26, 2023
Estes são outros pontos que a ROH poderá abordar no show:
– O que se segue para o ROH World Champion Claudio Castagnoli?
– O que se segue para o ROH World Television Champion Samoa Joe?
– O que se segue para o ROH Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata?
– O que se segue para os novos ROH World Tag Team Champions Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis)?
– O que se segue para Daniel Garcia, Eddie Kingston, Colt Cabana, Metalik, AR Fox, Komander, Shane Taylor, entre outros?
– O que se segue para Willow Nightingale, Kiera Hogan, Ashley D’Amboise, Skye Blue, Mercedes Martinez, entre outras?
– O que se segue para os Lucha Bros (Rey Fenix & Penta El Zero Miedo), Dark Order (Alex Reynolds, Evil Uno & John Silver), Righteous (Stu Grayson, Dutch & Vincent), Action Andretti & Darius Martin, entre outros?
Quais as tuas expectativas para este ROH Honor Club?
1 Comentário
Josh woods e trish adora têm potencial, talvez saltar para outras paragens
Athena overrated, mic skills reduzidas e fora de forma, não sou fã
Sony kiss é como a laranja cassidy..vergonha isto não estar na indies