Durante o WWE SmackDown Live desta semana foram transmitidos dois segmentos onde The Miz e Maryse se fizeram passar por John Cena, Nikki Bella e Brie Bella em mais um episódio do reality-show Total Bellas. (ver aqui ou aqui: parte 1parte 2)

Durante estes segmentos, The Miz e Maryse gozaram diversas vezes com John Cena e Nikki Bella, sua vida privada, possível casamento, entre outros assuntos, e chamaram ao programa “Total Bellas Bull S***”. Mais tarde, no programa Talking Smack, John Cena teve algum tempo de antena e respondeu a The Miz e Maryse. (ver em cima)

Por falar em interpretações, Tyler Breeze também fez de Nikki Bella durante o SmackDown Live. Este, Nikki Bella e John Cena aproveitaram para gravar um vídeo de comédia para o canal de YouTube das Bella Twins. (ver aqui)

Voltando à resposta de John Cena, na versão que foi para o YouTube da WWE, a companhia retirou as últimas frases ditas pelo lutador. Por isso, aqui fica a transcrição completa da resposta:

Congratulations Mike. You did your best work tonight. And congratulations Maryse. You finally did work. I know this is Talking Smack, and she [Nikki]’s being polite, but I may hit you in the nose with it.

You got one more week. One more week to make fun of me for how I look, how I live and who I am. Congratulations. That’s something that every single WWE Superstar does, and I’m used to it. You gave me a nice laugh tonight. Thing is… after the week’s over? Then you go back to being Mike.

So tell all your jokes, please, because they were entertaining – I laughed with everybody. But we all know that Mike is softer than a shoe full of baby crap. Mike couldn’t crush a grape in a fruit fight. And Sunday [April 2], you’ll have nowhere to run, and no jokes to tell, and you have to be Mike.

And Mike is the guy who holds his own TV show and yells at the top of his lungs “look at me, look at me, because I’m must see”. And Mike is the guy, that at the top of his lungs will tell everybody he doesn’t need the WWE because he will be a superstar somewhere else, as an actor – or anything else that he claims to be. Mike is the guy that screams at the top of his lungs that he is the it couple.

I’m just happy to stand alongside the woman I love and keep pushing forward doing exactly what I love. So dude. You got seven days. And I know what you’re gonna come up with is gonna be good, cause I’m low-hanging fruit. I’m an easy target, and I’ve been taking it on the chin for a decade, and I’m still here – moving forward. Because that’s what I do.

The words ‘rise above hate’ are what you would call a ‘catchphrase’. That doesn’t exist with me. Everything you see me wearing means something to me, and it means something to those that identify with me. You’re on the wrong side of the fence. I’ve been dealing with that my whole life.

Here’s the thing. If you’re good at something, you’re gonna tell everybody. If you’re great at something – they’ll tell you. And your tip of the cap to us tonight? Was your way of letting us know we’re great.

And I’m gonna leave you with this. You’re not the it couple. You’re the shhhh… it couple. And to steal a quote from Tex Ferguson, you gonna be counting the lights, cowboy.

No final, John Cena deixou cair o microfone, cuspiu sobre a mesa e abandonou o estúdio do Talking Smack.

Mais vídeos do Talking Smack podem ser vistos na playlist aqui presente.

O que estás a achar desta rivalidade entre casais, com destaque para John Cena vs The Miz?

7 Comentários

  1. Pelo menos o John Cena tem pleno reconhecimento de que o Miz e a Maryse são os únicos motivos pra essa rivalidade não ser um completo fiasco, até pq se dependesse dele e da Nikki, essa luta seria a pausa do banheiro.

    • Doug Hc7 anos

      Vdd, Miz e Maryse salvando essa rivalidade que era pra ser a mais desinteressante, a pausa pro banheiro fica pra Lesnar x Goldberg.

  2. Telespectador7 anos

    Sei que parece boba a minha pergunta, mas alguém poderia me dizer que as coisas ditas no talking smack são keyfabes, ou são reais tipo estas palavras do Cena, ou aquele ataque verbal que o Miz fez ao Daniel Brian, são reais o ou keyfabe.

  3. Gama7 anos

    Nossa, mas que casal mais chato. Obrigada Maryse e Miz por carregarem essa feud nas costas.

  4. Maryse, além de ser sexy, bonita e inteligente, ofusca a Nikki de longe, deve ser por isso que a Bella Shit ficou com inveja, aliás.