Bret Hart, membro do WWE Hall of Fame, anunciou hoje que foi diagnosticado com cancro na próstata. Este irá ser operado nos próximos dias.

Aqui está o anúncio de Hart:

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It is with great remorse that I feel compelled to speak truthfully to my friends, family and my millions of fans around the world. In the past few years, I've spent more than enough time paying the price for all those years trying to be the best there ever was as a professional wrestler. I executed excellently and my proudest claim was that I never seriously hurt or injured another wrestler in my 23 year career. I've paid a price for all that "fake" wrestling … Mark Helprin wrote: "We are all perfect clocks that Divinity has set to ticking when, even before birth, the heart explodes into a lifelong dance." I've had a great lifelong dance and I'm a survivor of many hard battles. I now face my toughest battle. With hesitation and fear, I openly declare myself in my fight against prostate cancer. In the next few days, I will undergo surgery with the hope of defeating this nemesis once and for all. My fans have always looked upon me as a hero and I've always done my best to live up to that in and out of the ring. I beat the odds when I suffered my stroke in 2002, but it is now yet again, that I … stand unafraid and face the tough road ahead of me, I will march toward this destiny with his spirit chanting in my ear. I make a solemn vow to all of those that once believed in me, the dead and the living, that I will wage my fearsome fight against cancer with one shield and one sword carrying my determination and my fury for life, emboldened by all the love that's kept me going this long already. Love is my weapon and I've got much of it around me all the time, for which I'm truly blessed and eternally grateful. My children, grandchildren, and my loving wife Steph have been and will constantly be at my side. I refuse to lose, I will never give in or give up, and I will win this battle or die trying. Most important of all, I hope can take the fight to prostate cancer. To be a leader in awareness and to set the example for men everywhere who find themselves in my very same shoes, that prostate cancer can be beaten. B x

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24 Comentários

  1. Boa sorte Bret Hart! As melhoras!

  2. Melhoras Bret Hart!

  3. fish8 anos

    cancro da prostata e facil de resolver, o meu avo teve ha uns anos e safou-se, e nao é um cancro que vai deitar abaixo bret “the hitman” hart

  4. Ryu8 anos

    Força Bret!

  5. Melhoras ao Hitman!

  6. #MrMoneyInTheBank8 anos

    Força Bret!

  7. Apesar das asneiras que vem falando de uns tempos para cá, este senhor possui o meu respeito pelo grande wrestler que foi, as melhoras.

  8. Boa sorte, Bret, e coragem!

  9. The boss8 anos

    Melhores Bret !!!!!!!!!!!!
    Vai ficar tudo bem.

  10. Vageena8 anos

    The cancro screwed Bret

  11. As melhoras Bret!

  12. Boa sorte nesta grande batalha.
    As melhoras Bret

  13. BrayWyattForPresident8 anos

    “The Best there is, the best there was and best that will ever be” boa sorte Hitman e vence mais uma batalha!

  14. BRRM8 anos

    As melhoras

  15. as Melhoras hitman e derrota essa doença

  16. Nikki#Fearless8 anos

    As melhoras , vai dar tudo certo

  17. Muita força Hitman, vai tudo dar certo!

  18. Força Bret! Sharpshooter nesse cancro!!

  19. Força Bret Hart!

  20. Anónimo8 anos

    Não sou fã, mas desejo as melhoras e que consiga vencer a sua doença.

  21. Linkin8 anos

    Força Bret Hart !

  22. vai dar tudo certo Bret. Se Deus quiser esse câncer vai sumir logo logo!

  23. Força ai tio hart,que DEUS lhe abençoe.

  24. Miakuda8 anos

    Bret Hart aplicará no câncer um Sharpshooter e o fará dar tap out no meio do ringue. Ele vencerá mais uma luta.
