O português “Fantástico” David Francisco estreou-se esta Quarta-feira, dia 13 de Junho, pela PROGRESS Wrestling ao participar na PROGRESS World Cup. O lutador tem estado envolvido na produção dos shows da companhia há vários meses e finalmente teve a oportunidade de se estrear pela mesma.

David Francisco enfrentou o japonês Naoki Tanizaki na primeira ronda do torneio, mas acabou por sair derrotado. O vencedor do torneio acabou por ser Chuck Mambo, que venceu Adam Brooks na final.

Esta estreia foi no entanto uma conquista importante para David Francisco, que há cerca de 3 anos que se encontra a viver no Reino Unido, como comprova a seguinte publicação do lutador na sua conta de Instagram:

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Three months of work for this. The moment I was offered a spot in the @thisis_progress #PROGRESSWorldCup marked an intensification of my focus. Sure, I've been working hard on improving every single aspect of my game, especially since my match with Eddie Dennis last year, but I knew this was an opportunity to show how good, and especially how better I am. And I did. Praise from locker rooms, from veterans and superiors… but no win. Three years of work for this. I'm 4 days shy from celebrating three years living in London. I dove head first into what I knew was the real beginning of my life and I never looked back. I was forced to start over, I hit lows, I was told I was not good enough, it wasn't worth it. My voice was louder than theirs. And look at me now. A lifetime of work for this. I was made for this. I'm blessed I made this discovery early enough to be able to do something about it. And I'm doing something every day. It's not about this picture. It's about what led to this moment, and where this moment leads me. It's about the realisation that movement in life doesn't come from luck or opportunities, it comes from work. Hard work. If I'm this good now, and I refuse to rely on what got me here to pass by… Can you imagine how good I'll be in three months? Three years? A lifetime? – ▶️ WATCH: www.demand-progress.com 📸 @robbrazierphoto

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Será que vamos futuramente ver David Francisco num Chapter da PROGRESS Wrestling?
